Every time I open the IIS Manager I can see that "Defaults" as the name of my website. It really itch my eyes for month. But today I decided to change the name to something else.I think about name it the same as the domain name. So I try right-clicking the "Defaults". Owh, there's a "rename". Maybe I should try it.

After renaming it to my preference, this message appear

Huh? but let just click on OK. After that I can no longer see the apps under my newly named website. OMG, all my apps gone. whats happening?

I try to browse the my website URL. OMG its an error.

What should I do? I try renaming it back to "Defaults". The the app list reappear. Then try again to browse the site. no error. Phew I'm saved.
I'm thinking, If there's a rename function to easily change the running website name, why I got an error? Or is there any steps to follow?
After some thinking, I try to rename it again.same results.Maybe I should rename it after I stop the service and restart it back?
ps: I will try to reproduce it in a virtual machine later. Not hurt to use the "Defaults" name anyway. But next time if I want to try something, I must avoid testing on the production server. My heart almost stopped.
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