Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Asp.Net Identity SQLite Provider on Empty Web Forms project

  Previously, I installed the Asp.Net Identity SQLite on a non-empty Web Form Project. This time, I'll try installing it on an Empty Web Form project so I can minimize the Nuget packages installed and I can learn which Nuget packages it depends on.

Firstly, I create a ASP.NET Empty Web Site targeting .Net Framework 4.7.1

Then on Nuget Package Manager for Solution, Uninstall all the Nuget Packages. This will make it truely empty Web Form project.

Monday, January 1, 2018

Asp.Net Identity SQLite Provider on a Web Forms project

  Mostly, the tutorial or sample I found from googling was for MVC and C#. So I decided to install the Asp.Net.Identity.SQLite by following the guide from MVC then modify it to work for Web Forms then convert it to VB.

I'm using Visual Studio 2017.

Create a new ASP.NET Web Forms Site project, targeting .Net Framework 4.7.1